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Skills List (Work in progress)

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Challenge List


514.png  Battering Ram
 Battering ram cooldown is halfed.
 Price: 20 SP
607.png  Weapon Checker Time
 Time it takes to check peoples weapons is halfed.
 Price: 10 SP
508.png  Arrest Baton
 Arrest baton range is increased by 15%.Time it takes to check peoples weapons is halfed.
 Price: 75 SP
203.png  Confiscation Bonus
 Gives you a 20% bonus relative to the reward you get when confiscating drugs, gold, etc.
 Price: 50 SP
511.png  £500 Arrests
 Earn £500 when arresting wanted players.
 Price: 40 SP
612.png  Drug Harvest
 You will be notified of an area where a drug was just harvested.
 Price: 50 SP
211.png  Lottery Limit
 As mayor you will be able to run high roller lotteries, amounting to a bigger cut.
 Price: 20 SP
5101.png  Wanted ESP
 Wanted players will be marked through walls.
 Price: 75 SP


105.png  Vampire
 Gain 5 health points for every kill.
 Price: 80 SP
401.png  Meth Purity
 Increases meth purity, meaning you gain a 10% bonus on each sale.
 Price: 100 SP
406.png  Delivery Speed
 Increases sprint speed during deliveries.
 Price: 20 SP
511.png  Weed Weight
 Increases weed weight, meaning you gain a 10% bonus on each sale.
 Price: 100 SP
404.png  Mega Plant
 50% chance to get 2 weed bags per plant.
 Price: 60 SP
607.png  Brew Speed
 Increases speed of moonshine brewers by 15%.
 Price: 75 SP
203.png  Delivery Bonus
 Increases delivery earnings by 20%.
 Price: 40 SP
515.png  Sewer Mutant Armor
 Spawn with 100 armor when underground sewer mutant.
 Price: 20 SP
400.png  Hit Damage 25%
 25% damage increase on your hit target.
 Price: 50 SP
511.png  Gold Bonus
 Increases gold sale price by 15%.
 Price: 80 SP
5101.png  Hit Distance
 You will be able to see how far away you are from your hit.
 Price: 75 SP
607.png  Keypad Crack Time
 Your keypad cracker will become 40% faster.
 Price: 50 SP
203.png  Print More
 Your printers will print 10% more money.
 Price: 100 SP
313.png  Jail Time
 Jail time reduced by 50%.
 Price: 50 SP
402.png  Moonshine Bonus
 Increases moonshine sales by 15%.
 Price: 80 SP
514.png  Printer Auto Upgrade
 Your printers will spawn fully upgraded.
 Price: 30 SP

Misc Skills

311.png  Skills Discount
 All skills are discounted by 20%.
 Price: 75 SP
514.png  Double Ore
 50% chance to mine double ores.
 Price: 75 SP
211.png  Entities Discount
 All entities on the F4 menu are discounted by 15%.
 Price: 75 SP
604.png  No Fall Damage
 You will no longer take fall damage.
 Price: 50 SP
505.png Permanent Licence
Always spawn with a gun license.
 Price: 50 SP
211.png  Weapons Discount
 All weapons and ammo on the F4 menu are discounted by 25%.
 Price: 75 SP
515.png  Armor Regeneration
 You will regenerate 1 armor every 5 seconds after not taking damage for 1 minute.
 Price: 150 SP
406.png  Sprint Speed
 You will be able to sprint faster.
 Price: 50 SP


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