The rules are made to improve players experiences. Use common sense
and do not try to loop hole these rules.
Staff have the final say in the matter even if it is not stated in
the rules. If you have an issue with a staff member report them on
the forums.
Player Conduct
1.1 Problems DO NOT ATTEMPT to cause problems within the community.
1.1B Disrespect Any kind of immoral language, discrimination or harrassment towards anyone will not be tolerated.
1.2 Chat Do NOT argue and/or rant in OOC. You MUST advert using the ‘/advert’ command and not within OOC. All messages must be in English and contain no links (UNLESS it’s an ‘Infamous Gaming’ link). Any type of advertising will be punished.
1.3 Punishment Avoiding punishment by any means is forbidden, this includes: Running away from admin sits, LTAP (Leaving to avoid punishment) etc.
1.4 Scamming You shall NOT attempt to or actually scam a person out of their money in anyway possible.
1.5 Currency The act of selling any form of in game currency for real life money is NOT allowed. You can also not use gambling systems to transfer tokens to your alternative accounts.
1.6 Spamming You must NOT use the microphone or chat to spam unintelligible noises or annoying sounds and/or words. When using an advert you must wait at least 2.5 minutes before sending out the same message again, UNLESS you are using the ‘Warning’ advert for valid RP reasons.
1.7 Cheating Do NOT use third party software to gain an advantage over other players, this will result in a ban.
1.8 Names You MUST only use English characters for your name (Unicode characters are NOT allowed).
1.9 Exploiting You MUST NOT attempt to exploit or loophole intended server functions for personal gain (This includes skills).
1.10 Hacking You MUST NOT attempt to hack the server this will result in a 6 Month - Perm ban.
1.11 Crashing You MUST NOT attempt to crash the server this will result in a 6 Month - Perm ban.
1.12 Admin Sits DO NOT disrupt admin sits. If an admin sit is taking place, you CANNOT do any roleplay actions. E.g. Raiding a base while it’s being checked by a staff member.
1.13 Erotic RP (ERP) Erotic RP (ERP) is not allowed in this server and will result in a punishment or a ban.
2.1 Random Death Match (RDM) Harming/killing another player must carry a reasonable ‘role-play reason’.
2.2 New Life Rule (NLR) Forget about your previous life and do not return to your area of death for at least 3 minutes unless you die in a hit that is the only time you can return and ignore the NLR.
2.2b New Life Rule (Bank Raids CPs) If you are a CP and the bank is being raided and you die defending it you have to wait 1 minute before returning to the bank raid to defend. You are not to camp around the gold buyer or kill anyone leaving the bank if your NLR is still active.
2.3 Meta Gaming The use of information gained in an out-of-character is not allowed.
2.4 Fail RP To an extent, you must play in a realistic manner and roleplay with others. You can only role play with your gang when your jobs are compatible. E.g. CPs can not ally/defend anyone but CPs. You MUST NOT suicide when the police are trying to arrest you.
2.5 Props / Entities Props/Entity surfing, climbing, blocking and general minging is not allowed. Do not spawn/move props in other players bases or during raids, this includes cameras and textscreens.
2.6 Crossfire When using explosives you are held responsible for every player you damage or kill, this also goes for shootouts. All players damaged or killed is your responsibility. But if players are abusing this by blocking you from getting to the target that’s a valid RP reason to execute them but make sure you advert warn 3 times first.
2.7 Cool Down Raiding/carjack is a 5 minute cooldown before attempting again on the same property/player.
2.7B Cool Down Mugging/kidnapping is a 2.5 minute cooldown before attempting again on anyone and a 15 minute cooldown before attempting again on the same player.
2.8 Adverts You MUST use adverts (/advert) when Raiding, Mugging, Carjacking, Kidnapping, Stealing and Countering Raids. Adverts are not to be used to contact another player specifically.
2.9 FearRP You must NOT mug anyone who has their gun out already. You must value and fear for your life. If you are being mugged or kidnapped by 3 or more people and you are alone, you must abide with what they say. You MUST NOT suicide during any mugging or kidnapping however if there is LESS than 3 you can fight back or run.
2.10 Job Abuse Do not change jobs to gain an advantage e.g. armor, ammo, etc.
2.11 Checkpoints Checkpoints can be created by two or more CPs with a valid RP reason such as searching people.
2.12 KOS When KOSing someone you must give them atleast 5 seconds to respond (unless its a base with a KOS sign). This only applies when you are initiating the attack.
2.13 Allies Up to 3 gangs can ally per base. Outside the property, you are no longer classed as "allies". This means you cannot defend "allied" members who are attacked outside of the property unless partaking in an RP activity (e.g. raid).
2.14 Stun Stick (RSS) You may not randomly stun other players without a reasonable roleplay reason. E.g. Using stunstick to get to an unreachable area.
2.15 Kidnapping Kidnaps may only last a maximum of 15 minutes(Kidnap starts when the player is caught by kidnappers).
2.16 Body Blocking Body blocking of any sort is not allowed (EG. Stopping people from entering a door or coming up a ladder).
3.1 Layout Traps, puzzles, mazes (3 turns or more) and confusing colours are not allowed. Ramp/stair/steps/headglitch defenses are not allowed. You may only no-collide props during the building phase or at a role-play only building.
3.1.B Tunnels/hallways Tunnel/hallway bases are not allowed. This is where you have a very long/multiple hallways that force people to run through to enter the base.
3.2 Entrances Jump/crouch/underground/ramp/ladder entrances are not allowed. Entrances must fit two people side by side and infront/behind (apart from the door of the property). Entraces with fences that you can shoot through must be see through. Entrances must not be hacker proof.
3.3 Visibility The raider must be able to see you clearly and shoot back. No one way shooting. No glow/world glow. All props/buttons/keypads/cameras/etc must be easily visible. You may not build with props that make it hard to see around or hurt your eyes, this includes very bright/very dark bases.
3.4 Fading Doors The max fading doors linked to keypads/entrances per base is 3. You may not use your keybinds to open your fading doors. Delay must be 0 on entrances.
3.4.B Keypads Keypads must be right next to the fading door that they control one on each side ( 2 per door one to enter and one to leave) No fake keypads are allowed to be placed around or near the fading doors.
3.5 Property You must only have one property per base. Your property is defined by the area behind your first world door (Exceptions to this are the warehouse in next to spawn with the external fence and the two in hoboville (shitville) these you can build from the external fence). You can only build within your property unless you are a Hobo. You must claim all doors. Do not block off/interfere with public entities (e.g. NPCs).
3.6 Textscreens Building text screens are allowed (do not have entities while building). KOS signs/lines are allowed but MUST be on the property. All textscreens on bases must be easily visible and have a minimum size of 50.
3.6B Roleplay Buildings Roleplay only building signs must only be used for bases that do not contain money making entities/weapons this excludes bank and PD.
3.7 Size Bases must be a reasonable size and cover only one property. Staff will deem what is reasonable if you cannot.
3.8 Defending You must be added to the door to defend the property or have a gang added to the door for the gang to defend the property or have a gang sign clearly visible on the wall next to the entrance of the base. You can KOS people only if you have a textscreen. You cannot be added to the door/place a gang sign during a raid.
3.9 Shooting Windows Shooting windows must be atleast the size of "FurnitureShelf001b". There is no limit to shooting windows.
3.10 Fountain Large buildings in or around the main fountain area are not allowed.
3.11 Keypads Keypads must only be used for fading doors entrances. This means you should have no keypads within your base once past the entrance fading doors.
4.1 Minge Raid Raiding a base which clearly has nothing inside is not allowed or has a "Roleplay only building" sign is not allowed.
4.2 PD Only custom jobs with PD raiding ability can raid the PD. You must have a valid RP reason to raid PD (eg. breaking a gang member out).
4.3 Camping After raiding a base you must leave within 10 minutes.
4.4 Checkpoints Checkpoints can be raided to dismantle their purpose or for a valid RP reason. Only custom jobs with PD raiding ability can raid checkpoints.
4.5 Building You cannot build during a raid.
4.6 CP Raid CPs are allowed to take control of the surrounding area during a raid. Prop block is not allowed, but they can make the area AOS. A textscreen and simple props should be placed to express the area e.g. "concrete_barrier001a.mdl".
4.7 Counter Raiding When countering a raid you MUST then raid the property and not just use it to kill the raiders.
4.8 Shutter Doors When a raider starts raiding your base you must not close the shutter door on them. Sometimes the doors will shut due to RPGs being fire into the base if this happens you do not need to reopen it the raider can lockpick it but do not close it again until the raid is over.
4.9 CPs CPs MUST NOT enter your property without permission from the base owner or a valid warrant to do so.
These rules are for during the purge only and all other
rules must be followed when there is no active purge.
These rules are for during the purge only and all other rules must be followed when there is no active purge.
5.1 Player Conduct All rules within the Player Conduct section 1.1 - 1.13 are all still enforced during the purge and must be followed.
5.2 Adverts During the purge you do not need to advert any RP actions.
5.3 New Life Rule During the purge you do not need to wait for the NLR timer to expire.
5.4 Cooldowns During the purge you do not need to wait for cooldown for any RP actions.
5.5 Props During the purge you CAN prop/entity BLOCK your base and prop/entity FLY only, This is only during purge they must be removed / stopped after it ends.
5.6 Camping / Peaking Spawn During the purge you CANNOT camp outside spawn or peak in and out of spawn to kill people this will result in you being jailed.
Turf Wars
These rules are for during the turf wars only.
These rules are for during the turf wars only.
6.1 Alliances During turf wars you MUST NOT team with another gang, you MUST KOS everyone of an opposing gang.
6.2 Distance You MUST NOT attack from OUTSIDE of the circle, only from within.
6.3 KOS People are only KOS with the direct vicinity of a turf war therefore the war does NOT extend across the whole district.
6.4 Props No matter what job you are you MUST NOT spawn props within the turf war circle and/or around the circle.
6.5 Bases If the circle breaches into a world building you MUST NOT build within that building.
6.6 Explosives Explosives are PROHIBITED in turf wars.
6.7 Civil Protection Civil protection MUST NOT interfere with turf wars.
Exploiting Examples
This is a extended version of the exploiting rule,
explaining some of the way people may try to exploit on the
server. This list contains most but is not limited to just
this list. This list may be edited at anytime so be sure to
keep yourself up to date on the lastest updates.
This is a extended version of the exploiting rule, explaining some of the way people may try to exploit on the server. This list contains most but is not limited to just this list. This list may be edited at anytime so be sure to keep yourself up to date on the lastest updates.
General Bypassing mute via in game commands.
General Having a custom job command with pre-set in game commands.
General Placing props in skybox.
General Gaining skill progress from out of rp activities.
General Switching weapons to avoid animations to gain an advantage in combat.
General Bypassing demotion in any way.
General Using hidden console commands.
General Skill abuse.
Criminal Inflating prices of weed for financial gain.
Criminal Using camo to mug someone.
Criminal Putting a hit on yourself to negate wanted status.
Criminal Bypassing restrictions to complete deliveries.
Criminal Use of in-game commands to set hits.
Criminal Avoiding wanted system.
Criminal Standing within NPCs to avoid being arrested/killed.
Turf Bypassing NLR.
Turf Using cloak to gain an advantage.
Turf Going underground for turf.
Turf Abusing the mutant job in turf.
Turf Killing yourself outside turf zone to avoid turf NLR and regain health and armour.
Citizen Jobs
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Fuel Refiner
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Chocolate Maker
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Gun Dealer
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Special Arms Dealer
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Security Guard
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Elite Guard
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Hotel Manager
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Cinema Manager
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Betfred Manager
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The Good
Server rules take priority over the Mayors laws. Laws that go against the server rules must not be enforced by the CPs.
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Police Chief
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S.W.A.T Leader
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S.W.A.T Sniper
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S.W.A.T Medic
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Secret Service
The Bad
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Cigarette Maker
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Meth Cook
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Heroin Cook
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Cocaine Cook
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Master Thief
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Parkour Thief
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Elite Hitman
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Sewer Mutant
Custom Jobs
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Chief Inspector
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